Psychologist Evere – Alison Cigna

About me Psychologist Evere

alison cigna psychologue coach evereHello and welcome to my profile,

I’m a young Belgian psychologist who’s just entered her thirties (and I’m okay with it). After a busy year as a psychosocial assistant with the Brussels-Capital Police, I decided to set up my own paramedical practice in Evere, La Bulle d’Oxygène.
I specialize in :

  •  Stress and anxiety management;
  •  Work on self-confidence and self-image;
  •  Grief;
  •  Career transition;
  •  Burnout;
  •  Conflict management (mediation, conciliation, etc.);
  •  Support following harassment/sexual harassment;
  • Etc…

My approach is integrative, based above all on humanistic and experiential currents. I see my patients as the main actors of their own change and experts in their own lives. For me, the professional therapist must remain humble and open-minded. Therapy is a journey that is co-constructed in a relationship of trust between therapist and patient.

I have also taken several training courses, including one with the International School of Coaching, to deepen my knowledge. I’m convinced that coaching tools offer a more concrete analysis and response that psychologists need to integrate into their practice.

Do you have questions ?

If you need further information, you wish to ask a more specific question, or you want a psychologist's opinion of your case, you can call the secretariat to make an appointment or send an email to the secretariat.

Psychologist Evere
Psychologist Evere

A psychologist to help you…

A psychologist is a professional that looks after the troubles, complex or not, which affect our emotions, our stability, our well-being, and our “state of mind”.

The aim of having therapy is so that you feel relieved from one or more of the problems which are weighing you down and which had been unmanageable for you.

Therapy allows you to put into words things which will let you draw a line under these problems, or find the causes and explanations which will make you stronger and more able to manage your emotions towards these problems.

As a natural consequence, your general state will improve, you will regain confidence in yourself, and move forward on the path of well-being.

Symptoms of worry, stress

Human beings are by nature frequently subjected to fear: a threatening situation, moments in life categorised by uncertainty, and apprehension – there are so many moments which generate a feeling of fear or danger.