Psychologist Ixelles- Alexandre Leurs

About me

alexander-leurs-massart-psychologist-brusselsGiven that I was Born in Mexico City, raised in an European family and professionally developed in two different cultural contexts, I am particularly keen to socio-cultural diversity and therefore, to everyday life’s polymorphic nature.

Indeed, each of us observes, interprets and signifies reality as he sees fit by appealing to past experiences. The polymorphic aspect of reality suggests that the therapeutic work must be consistent with the values ​​and beliefs of the one making the request.

In this sense, my bi-culturalism has motivated me to develop flexible and diversified tools that could respond to different circumstances as well as demands. This principle entertains the framework of care I propose: customize the therapeutic device to meet your needs and expectations in a way that suits you. Lets leave aside theoretical assumptions so that your experiences, your opinions, your worries and your intuitions can take place, get to work and discover different ways of understanding reality and therefore, of being human.

Customizing the therapeutic framework highlights some facets of your life that will become important levers of work. As the Fox says in the Little Prince: “the essential is invisible to the eyes.”

Focused on a humanistic and narrative vision, I propose a space to fill with the imagination of our future dialogues. This fundamental tool of human existence (at least as much as reason!) has nevertheless not been exploited in the therapeutic realm. Imagination is not only children’s game; it is also the tool of daydreaming and possibilities. It will allow us to either build the sense of what leads you to read these lines or, to adapt available tools to your lifestyle and ways of being.

Thus, I invite you to undertake a journey of discoveries and transformations through which we will find clues to build the answers you seek.

Hope to meet you,

Alexander Leurs Massart.

Do you have questions ?

If you need further information, you wish to ask a more specific question, or you want a psychologist's opinion of your case, you can call the secretariat to make an appointment or send an email to the secretariat.

A psychologist to help you…

A psychologist is a professional that looks after the troubles, complex or not, which affect our emotions, our stability, our well-being, and our “state of mind”.

The aim of having therapy is so that you feel relieved from one or more of the problems which are weighing you down and which had been unmanageable for you.

Therapy allows you to put into words things which will let you draw a line under these problems, or find the causes and explanations which will make you stronger and more able to manage your emotions towards these problems.

As a natural consequence, your general state will improve, you will regain confidence in yourself, and move forward on the path of well-being.

The result

The results vary from one person to another. Therapy allows you to put into words things which will let you draw a line under these problems, or find the causes and explanations which will make you stronger and more able to manage your emotions towards these problems.